Radical Futures zine
expansive evolution isn't only about supporting individuals to step into their most aligned and authentic version of themselves, it is also about our collective evolution as a globe.
Systems Change, social change, environmental justice and equity cannot be achieved or progressed so long as each of us are not utilizing the gifts we were born with.
Systems Change and building incredible, just, thriving, abundant, joy-filled, peaceful futures happens when each of us accept our gifts and contribute them to the world in the nuanced and varied way we were respectively designed to.
Below you will find some of the work we have done in the past to support organizations and changemakers to change our world.
Use the toggle on the bottom right to read the zine in full screen mode. Enjoy!
This zine is an anthology of future stories, written by women of colour from diverse cultural backgrounds, lived experiences and countries. These stories were completed at the end of an 8 week workshop series called "Envisioning and Writing Radical Futures", exploring what hope meant to us, what futures our spirits were calling in, and what changes we wanted to see from our present realities. The workshop series ran from June - July 2021 during a global pandemic.
The participants found solace with one another during this time. We felt it was a radical experience to be held in a safe space to talk about futures without shame, or the discouraging voice telling us to be "realistic". The intimacy that was established in the group made for a truly touching and healing journey.
This workshop series and zine fulfill many dreams. Dreams full of tender and powerful writing, dreams of better futures, dreams that mitigate the crisis of imagination we are currently experiencing, re-igniting hope and inspiration for us all. We are all the key to the future. We all have impact on how it unfolds. Let us expand our imaginations and what we once thought was possible. Please enjoy the following imaginations.
Enjoy our first edition. Future workshops and zines may come. Let us know if you would be interested to join by emailing us at hello@expansiveevolution.com!