There are 12 profiles in the Human Design system. It is NOT simply every combination of the 6 hexagram lines, 1 through 6. For some reason, Ra Uru Hu only received these 12 combinations in his transmission.

human design profile
Your profile lines tell which role or archetypes you embody and how you relate to others.
They are written like a fraction.
These are the twelve.
1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4/6, 4/1, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2, 6/3.
The first number of the fraction is how your mind operates, it's what you are likely conscious of in yourself and the second number is about how your body operates and you are likely less aware of this energy yourself, yet it is how the world sees you!
It is in your best interest to learn about your body’s characteristics and needs (the 2nd number in your profile) and how it operates because it is just as much a part of you as your personality side is.
We get your profile lines from the decimal point of the top two rows which are your Sun and Earth.

1/3 profile
The Investigative / Martyr also known as the Authority / Experimenter. A major aspect of who you are is to be a learner, particularly in doing your research first to gain solid foundational knowledge, and then diving in the deep end and learning by doing. You have the capacity to be an expert and Authority in your field. You can be adoptable and resilient, perhaps only after you feel a solid foundation of your knowledge. Make sure you do not get stuck in researching, remember that you are also meant to experiment and try things out. You are meant to be absorbed in your process of learning and discovering, which others may deem difficulty to work with you or you being stubborn.
1/4Â profile
The Investigative / Opportunist also known as the Authority / Networker. A major aspect of who you are is to pass on information to your networks. You have the capacity to be a trailblazer. You are here to gain a solid foundational knowledge through research, and then share your findings with your community. You may also seek people to learn from. Give yourself permission to move slowly and only move on to the next phase of life once it feels secure enough.
2/4Â profile
The Hermit / Opportunist also known as the Natural / Networker. A major aspect of who you are is to cultivate your natural talents with practice and whatever method will help you refine them, and then sharing those gifts with your community. You likely need to wait for an invitation before you share, this is not a go-getter, make-the-first-move type of energy. Your greatest opportunities come from your networks. Use your Authority to decipher which invitations are right for you to take up. You may constantly feel conflicted between wanting alone time and wanting socializing time. It is very important that you give yourself a long time to cultivate your gifts. You might have a deep fear of rejection. Rely on your 4-line to attract the right people to you.
2/5Â profile
The Hermit / Heretic also known as the Natural / Universaliser. A major aspect of who you are is to cultivate your natural talents with practice and whatever method will help you refine them, and then sharing those gifts with the world of strangers. You have the potential to be revolutionary. It is important that you give yourself loyalty to cultivate your gifts. It is also ideal for you to have loyal people who you can lead. This is a double projection profile, wear your 2-line talents are called upon and people say, "you could do this, or that!" and your 5-line problem solving skills are called upon and people say, "you should do this for me." Use your Authority to decipher which invitations are realistic for you to succeed in.
3/5Â profile
The Martyr / Heretic also known as the Experimenting / Universalizer. A major part of who you are is to be a fantastic problem solver, particularly based on the lessons you've learned from your own trial and error. You have the potential to be powerful change agents who can transform the world and bring new solutions to the collective. You are naturally resilient and adaptive. Do not let anyone shame you for the mistakes you've made in your life. The mistakes you've made are exactly the source of what has made you wise. After you are 40 years old, the lessons you've learned from all of your experimenting really start becoming very handy.
3/6Â profile
The Martyr / Role Model also known as the Experimenter / Role Model. A major part of who you are is to serve as a beacon, exemplifying the values that are important to you. These values and lifestyles are likely a result of a life filled with trial and error, bumping into things and learning the hard way. Many people may not believe what your life was like in your first 30 years. You may find that people come to you seeking advice. This is because the energy you emanate as someone who is wise, observant, objective and have the life experience to back it up. Let yourself be experimental and make mistakes, for that is the source of your wisdom.
4/1Â profile
The Opportunistic / Investigator also known as the Networking / Authority. A major part of who you are is to influence others with the knowledge that you gain. Your life may rarely change, or may change very slowly. You're here to establish yourself as an authority in your network and field. You may have a talent for bringing researchers together and advocates or teachers. You may feel that you require a solid foundation before transitioning into a new face of life. You may have a particular interest in studying human behaviour in fields such as psychology, anthropology, sociology, neurology, criminology or Human Design, astrology or psychometric fields.
4/6Â profile
You are the Opportunist / Role Model also known as the Networker / Role Model. A major part of who you are is building networks of support around you and living your life in accordance to your values. You will likely become an advisor to many in your networks, particularly the older you get. In your first 30 years you may have had many failed relationships and friendships. You are naturally gifted at building authentic and intimate relationships quickly. You may be idealistic and opportunistic. These characteristics go well together and can attract amazing opportunities for you and the people in your community.
5/1Â profile
The Heretic / Investigator also known as the Universaliser / Researcher. A major part of who you are is to persuade others (specifically strangers) into a new perspective based on the findings of your research. You have a knack for universalizing complex topics, making these topics more applicable for all. You are a natural educator. What you actually know and what people think you know is two different things; you receive projections of how you can solve other people's problems conveniently. Often these projections are incorrect and inaccurate about who you are. This is the most transpersonal profile out of the 12. You are really here to share with broad audiences. You may be sought to solve others problems, in which it is vital that you use your Authority to decipher which invitations are correct for you, otherwise you might be crucified.
5/2Â profile
The Heretic / Hermit also known as the Universaliser / Natural. A major part of who you are is to share what you've learned from your integration and experiences. Your process might include universalizing and hypothesizing first, then to retreat and integrate more deeply to refine your hypotheses. You can be self-motivated and initiate yourself to bring out your gifts. You might feel very vulnerable in universalizing in public. It is important that you spend time discovering what your natural gifts are. With any invitations to problem solve or share your gifts to help others, make an intentional effort to explore what it takes to deliver on the expectations placed on you.
6/2Â profile
The Role Model / Hermit also known as the Role Model / Natural.
A major part of who you are is showing others how to live authentically as our unique selves. Between the ages of 30 and 50 make sure you take time to retreat and take stock of the lessons you've learned from your life's experiments, and mistakes. These lessons make you wise and your natural role model position begins to unfold after 50. You have a very unique perspective that makes you wise beyond your years. People may come to you to ask you for your advice and take it very seriously. You have the capacity to be a visionary and idealist. Watch out for your perfectionist tendencies. This may prevent you from living out your purpose which was mentioned in the first sentence.
6/3Â profile
The Role Model / Martyr also known as the Role Model / Experimenter.
A major part of who you are is becoming a role model based on your lived experience. This profile has the capacity to have the most wisdom out of all the 12 profiles. Your first phase of life (zero to 30 years old) may have been very tumultuous and bumpy. These experiences give you the source of your wisdom and life lessons. It's what helps you become a role model particularly after 50 years old. You may crave a lot of freedom and you may not enjoy being bothered by others. You thrive when you are in charge and you have the space to experiment. You might have high standards for yourself and for others, with a "been there, done that" attitude, making others feel lesser than at times. You are here to discover that uniqueness is perfection. You are here to teach others through your own subjective and objective lessons learned.