Hi, and welcome to my blog! I wanted to point out that when it comes to real time, real life revelations, realisations and aha-moments I experience with my own deconditioning journey, I post those on Substack.
In my Substack I will be sharing stories from my 2/5 Splenic Manifestor, innocence motivation, possibilities view, and my focused and strategic perspective. I am also a Consecutive determination so I might share some personal stories about my eating habits!
The posts are both written blogs, podcast episodes and you can even read the transcriptions too, if that's what you prefer. I even add in some helpful exercises that I'm doing that may help you too.
I am considering charging at some point in the future, so subscribe now before I start doing that!
This website is mainly comprised of blog posts about general Human Design teachings and lessons. Although, I can't help but share some personal stories and examples when I teach. I have gate 56! It's just how I communicate!